Nov 20, 2011

What are you thankful for?

“Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.”  W. T. Purkiser

This week in America, they celebrate Thanksgiving. For many teachers from around the world I have talked to, it doesn't seem right to globalize traditions and adopt patterns of behavior that are not supposed to be part of our particular culture. However, (and I might be a little biased, since I lived in the US for some time and I've fallen in love with the country and traditions, but oh well!) I think it's a great idea to introduce that very important American custom to our classes. Rather than corrupting our own country's tradition, we'd be enriching the students' cultural knowledge and taking a moment to do something that should be part our every year (or month!): to say thanks.

No matter how level or age you are currently teaching, it's a great time to devote 10 or 15 minutes of your class to have students write on a piece of paper 3 or 4 things they are thankful for. A very good way to introduce the idea would be to write a quote related to thanksgiving on the board and then give them color papers to express what they wanna say thanks.  

Tip for kids: Have them draw their hand on a piece of paper. Once they do, they can decorate it any way they want  and write inside each finger or draw in the center of the palm the reasons why they are thankful (you thought I was gonna suggest the turkey drawing, huh? - I like to surprise ;) )

Remember that the reason we do what we do is to make a difference in the lives of all those who come to our class. You have a great opportunity to touch lives, don't waste it. And be thankful for it!

Happy Thanksgiving week, y'all! :)


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